
Saturday to Thursday

Zargreen Liquid Sulfur Organic Fertilizer

Zargreen’s liquid organic sulfur fertilizer is a soil conditioner containing sulfur and amino acids that acidify the root environment, maximizing the absorption of nutrients. Sulfur is an essential nutrient widely used by plants, especially in oilseed crops, where it plays a key role. The sulfur in this fertilizer is present as both sulfate and elemental sulfur. Thus, when added to the soil, its sulfate form becomes immediately available for plant uptake, while the elemental sulfur gradually converts to sulfate through bacterial oxidation, making it accessible to the plant over an extended period. In addition to its use in correcting alkaline and saline-sodic soils, Zargreen’s liquid organic sulfur fertilizer can be applied at all growth stages, particularly for oilseed crops like rapeseed and sunflower, to increase production and enhance the product’s quality attributes.

Certificate of Fertilizer Materials Registration: 71850

Information on Zargreen Liquid Sulfur Organic Fertilizer

Parsing is guaranteedAmount (W/W)
Total Nitrogen (N) (%)6
Total Sulfur (S) (%)15
Elemental Sulfur (S) (%)5
Thiosulfate (S2O3) (%)10
free amino acid (%)3
Organic carbon (OC) (%)14
Organic matter (OM) (%)24

Benefits and features of Zargreen liquid sulfur organic fertilizer

Benefits and features
Improvement of calcareous, saline-sodic soils
Lowering soil pH
Fungicidal properties and strengthening the plant's defense system
Increase product production
Increasing the protein and oil percentage of the seeds

The amount and method of using Zargreen liquid sulfur organic fertilizer

Product typeFoliar spraying (in 1000 liters of water)Irrigation (liters per hectare)consumption instruction
Garden products3-420-30During the growth period
Crops2-310-15During the growth period
Greenhouse products2-310-15During the growth period