
Saturday to Thursday

Zargreen Fruit Set Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Incomplete pollination, environmental stresses, and deficiencies in certain nutrients are among the most significant reasons for flower and fruit drop after pollination. Zargreen’s organic fertilizer, “Fruit Set,” is a biological stimulant without hormones that enhances flower and fruit formation. This product contains three essential nutrients: nitrogen, zinc, and boron. Nitrogen, zinc, and boron play a direct role in flower fertilization and fruit formation. The combination of these nutrients with amino acids greatly aids their rapid absorption and transport within the plant. The key distinction of Zargreen’s organic Fruit Set fertilizer from other fruit set products lies in its organic matter, particularly free amino acids, which enhance chelation and increase the absorption of the nutrients present in the fertilizer. The use of this combination increases the chances of successful pollination and leads to more flower-to-fruit conversion.

Certificate of Fertilizer Materials Registration: 07484.

Information on Zargreen liquid fruit set organic fertilizer

Parsing is guaranteedAmount (W/W)
Total Nitrogen (N) (%)5
Soluble zinc (Zn) (%)5
Boron (B) (%)1
Organic carbon (OC) (%)8
Organic matter (OM) (%)14
free amino acid (%)3

Benefits and features of Zargreen liquid fruit set organic fertilizer

Benefits and features
Reducing the fall of flowers and fruits
Reduction of annual yield of fruit trees
Quantitative and qualitative increase of pollination
Flowering and increasing the lifespan of flowers
Increasing plant resistance to environmental stresses during flowering

The amount and method of using Zargreen fruit set liquid organic fertilizer

Product typeFoliar spraying (in 1000 liters of water)Usage time
Garden products3-4During the swelling of buds and after harvest
Crops2-3Before flowering and during fruiting
Greenhouse products2-3Before flowering and during fruiting