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Zargreen Liquid Potassium Phosphate Fertilizer

Zargreen’s liquid potassium phosphate fertilizer contains essential elements, phosphorus and potassium, which play a vital role in the formation of cell proteins and are necessary for seed development and root growth. Additionally, they are involved in regulating photosynthesis and nodulation, contributing to increased plant growth and development. Potassium is also crucial in all metabolic processes of the plant, including establishing osmotic potential, protein synthesis, stomatal opening and closing, photosynthesis, and anionic balance. Zargreen’s liquid potassium phosphate fertilizer, with its appropriate percentages of phosphorus and potassium, not only accelerates root growth but also activates many essential plant enzymes involved in crop development. This fertilizer facilitates the transportation of carbohydrates and starch to storage organs of plants such as fruits, seeds, and roots. It plays a significant role in increasing fruit size, weight, color, storage capacity, and crop maturity. The presence of free amino acids in Zargreen’s liquid potassium phosphate fertilizer contributes to the strengthening of plant cell walls, leading to enhanced plant resistance against environmental stresses. Additionally, the organic matter in this fertilizer improves soil stability, water, and air-holding capacity, preventing nutrient leaching.

Certificate of Fertilizer Materials Registration: 33804.

Information on Zargreen Liquid Potassium Phosphate Fertilizer

Parsing is guaranteedAmount (W/W)
Potassium soluble in water (K2O) (%)10
Usable phosphorus (P2O5) (%)15
free amino acid (%)3
Organic carbon (OC) (%)9
Organic matter (OM) (%)20

Benefits and features of Zargreen liquid potassium phosphate fertilizer

Benefits and features
Increase root growthImproving the quality of products
Increasing product storageIncreasing the volume of storage organs in tuberous plants
Improving the color and taste of productsIncrease production efficiency
Increasing plant resistance against environmental stresses

The amount and method of using Zargreen liquid potassium phosphate fertilizer

product typeFoliar spraying (liters per 1000 liters of water)Irrigation (liters per hectare)consumption instruction
Garden products3-415-20Two to three times during the growth period
Crops2-310-15Two to three times during the growth period
Greenhouse products2-2.510-15Two to three times during the growth period